Saturday, December 14, 2019

What Comedians in cars getting coffee teaches us about life

What Comedians in cars getting coffee teaches us about lifeWhat Comedians in cars getting coffee teaches us about lifeTo me, Seinfeld says if life boils down to one thing, its movement. To live is to keep moving.Pretty pithy stuff for someone who might be more well known for jokes about airline peanuts or why dogs are broke (the answer no pockets). But successful comedian Jerry Seinfeld often uses his observational humor stand-up style to comment on life and career - from funny tidbits about why the road less traveled might be that way to laugh lines about how doing nothing is already something. His extremely successful show about nothing Seinfeld, often hinted at larger themes and made him an international star. The resulting payoffs gave him the freedom to do whatever he wanted to do next. And one thing you can say about Jerry now, hes found his joy. His fruchtwein recent endeavor the show Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee lets him indulge his huge successes in media by combining t hings he loves, classic cars and talking with great comic talents. The series is a wonderful glimpse into the lives of the most innovative and hilarious minds of our time (along with a look at some truly lovely old cars). And their discussions cover more than just their favorite gags, but really get into life lessons that could help give you a little direction too. The Zebra collected some life lessons from Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee to give you something to think about from an askew angle when you are trying to get a handle on life or your career path. Take a look at what big names like Stephen Colbert and Tina Fey can teach you about how to look at whats ahead of you. From advice on marriage direct from a conversation with Seinfeld Co-Star Julia Louis-Dreyfus to Alec Baldwins thoughts on parenting, these pieces of inspiration will give you a lift today and let you ask the question often posed by Seinfeld on stage - Who are these people?Kee-Clemmer is a content marketer base d in Austin, Texas. With a background in creative writing and a fascination with SEO, he specializes in creating and promoting content that drives growth for his clients.

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