Friday, May 8, 2020

Privacy Tips For Your Online Job Search

Privacy Tips For Your Online Job Search When you are searching for a job, remember that your privacy is still a concern. Instead of blasting your information on every site out there, be particular about which sites you choose to use and go with job search resources recommended by experts. In addition, there are a few basic online rules to remember: Read the privacy policy BEFORE you post. That might sound too simple, but youd be surprised at how many people get in trouble because they assumed the policy was in line with their preference. Dont give all your personal contact information: Use a dedicated email for contacts and protect yourself (and your family). This has the additional benefit of making you look intelligent about security risk. Understand and use cyber-safe resumes.  Utilize the levels of visibility that site allows and understand the differences between searchable by employers only, private, semi-private, and open. Again, you have to read that sites definitions in order to use it correctly. Keep track of when and where you posted your resume. Keep a spreadsheet, or use a career management tool like JibberJobber to keep track of your online job search. Your Social Security Number, bank account number, and mothers maiden name do not belong with your resume. Period.  Thats like giving a hacker the easiest target in the world for identity theft. That information can be given at the job site after you are hired. As one security expert said, the safest place for information is on a piece of paper in your pocket. But you cant find a job when your resume is hiding so you have to take steps to balance the real need for security with the equally real need for exposure. Demonstrating your understanding of cyber security standards during your job search is an asset to potential employers.

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